Monday 12th April is being called ‘Freedom Day’ in the UK, we can finally emerge from our homes and get out to non-essential shops, dine al fresco and even go to the gym (though no Yoga classes yet sadly)

So how does it feel for you?

Perhaps you think you ought to feel excited, released, happy, full of hope.

The reality is that many people are feeling anxious, stressed and a little fearful.

In The Sober Club and among the clients I am working with there is definitely, for some,  a sense of unease, perhaps this is down to the collective energy of fear that has hung over us all for so long.

If you have ditched the booze during lockdown you may especially be feeling nervous now, over the last few months you may have literally changed who you are, your whole identity has changed and now, rather than being in a relative ‘bubble of protection’ you now have to step out wearing your new sober shoes into the big bad world, you may need to get social, and there could be a concern over what others will say.  You may indeed encounter ‘sober shamers’ who fully intend to drink themselves stupid because …well because they can.

Some people are literally unsure how to ‘be’ in social situations, many of us have forgotten what we wear, after so many months of throwing on loungewear, or even if we put a decent top on we have PJ’s on our bottom half which can’t be seen!)

How can we feel a bit better?  Take some breaths and release any emotional attachments and the blocks and limiting beliefs that are keeping you small and holding you back.  

We all have those limiting beliefs and often we put labels on ourselves, ‘I’m an anxious person’, or we make assumptions based on previous experiences ‘I won’t be any fun without booze’

I’d love to invite you to become curious about how you release all the pre-conditioning limiting beliefs that you no longer need, let go of the fear and bring in all the higher energies that can support you

On a practical note, if this will be the first time you have interacted in real life as a ‘non-drinker’, own that title, and embrace it.  Try your new ‘label’ for size.

You don’t actually have to wear that label and tell everyone you aren’t drinking, but do give friends and family a heads up, call or text and tell them there will be more booze for them, perhaps you’re driving, on medication, it doesn’t matter what ‘excuse’ you give, just do whatever feels best

Often stating the absolute truth works well, ‘I’m not drinking alcohol, I feel less anxious without it’

Hard to argue with that!

Ring a venue you may be going to (to sit outside!) and ask what decent grown up alcohol free drinks they have, just as you would check the menu if you have specific dietary requirements, and if they don’t have good alcohol free options, take your own, and offer to pay corkage for soft drinks

Have something booked for early the next day, even if it’s just a walk with a friend,

Step confidently into your new identity. Stay true to the choices that you have made,

Choosing to focus on optimum health and wellbeing, ditching the booze, making the behaviour changes you know that you need to make, letting go of fear….

That’s Freedom!

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