We had the most wonderful Sound and Spirit session recently, it felt very special to be in a circle of women, feeling supported and ‘held’.

As I write this its International Women’s day and  it feels super important to honour the support that women give each other, we spoke a lot about how we lift each other up when we fall, and how we celebrate together when we feel joy, or achieve something important.

It is one of the most amazing things about The Sober Club, even members who have never met in person feel so connected to others, and really want to pick them up when they are down, love-bombing and nurturing till they feel better, and cheer them on from the sidelines when they succeed or get even a small ‘win’.

We did a meditation around grounding ourselves, finding the light within us, and sending it out to our communities, our country, the universe, and of course in these current times, focusing on beaming light to exactly where its needed

Sounds woo woo?  No! its important to raise our vibration, from that place of hope and positivity you can do far more good ‘energetically’ than when you are simply weeping at the news ot doom scrolling.

So focus on the light within you, see if you can imagine ‘bouncing’ it out, watching it spread.  You become the ‘reflector’ and the light can retract and sparkle into every corner of darkness.

If you are feeling anxious and stressed, it’s definitely worth focusing on this for a few moments and if you want more tips for selfcare and reducing anxiety, the blog post I mentioned in the last ezine is here

If you want connection and community join us in The Sober Club

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