Restful Sober Sleep

Get Your Checklist for Restful Sober Sleep &
Refreshed Sober Wake-Up

Recommended Supplements

to help you on your sober journey

The Sober Club Health Journal

A 12-week optimum health journal / planner to track your success. In the Store now!

Happy Healthy Sober

Ditch the booze & take control of your life!

NOW on Amazon & Audible

Join the Club!

Join now and get these great freebies!

Join The Sober Club!

We’re open for new members! Join now and get these great freebies!

AF Cocktails

Check out this AF slant on your favourite cocktails. In the Store now!

Sober Coaching
Train to be a Sober Coach

Hi and Welcome! 

The Sober Club is a membership site and inspiring facebook group packed full of resources and inspiration. Wherever you are on your sober journey we hope to inspire you to live your best life without the booze, maybe you have already ditched the drink, or are practising mindful drinking, maybe you’d like to kick into a challenge and give it a try.

Sobriety Rocks – Who knew?

Heal your Emotional Trauma

Heal your Emotional Trauma

Heal the present to heal your past, can we let go of limiting beliefs and heal the damage caused by inrergenerational trauma with techniques such as Family Constellations and Matrix Reimprinting

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Go Sober… Not just for October

Go Sober… Not just for October

As a Sober Coach I worry about going dry for a month, but anything that kickstarts sobriety and inititates behaviour change is a good thing. Download my free guide to new behaviours for Sober October

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A year sober with an escalating sugar habit  and I happened across Janey Lee Grace and her Sober Club and my world opened up! Instead of steering away from boozy old friends, places and things, I had options to engage again with life in a like-minded community which promoted wealth in health and good spirits that didn’t live on the rocks.

Janey pumps oxygen into a much needed support network keeping me sober as well as providing options to have fun. Needless to say my sugar habit has been replaced with a new positive addiction – the Sober Club. 

Kate Delamere



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Work 1to1 with Janey

Alcohol is normalised in society. Despite being an addictive harmful drug. Its the only drug we have to justify NOT taking! There is a movement towards mindful drinking and choosing sobriety and its incredibly liberating to be free of the ‘wine o clock’ culture. Many of us are ‘grey area drinkers’ who would benefit from taking a break from the booze to access a whole array of positive benefits.

Lets change the conversation around alcohol! 


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