Ready for change this October?


I’m never quite sure about ‘special’ months like Sober October and Dry Jan, of course I love that it raises awareness and makes it easier to attend social events without being ‘sober shamed’, but I do worry that people hang on to the idea that alcohol is great, and they are doing something terribly worthy for charity, by ‘giving up’, by ‘sacrificing’ their beloved alcohol for a month.

Often that leads to them gritting their teeth and counting the days till they can drink again, whereas of course the reality is that when the light comes on, and you finally realise that alcohol has ZERO benefits, and life is SO much better without it, you recognise that you are not giving anything up, you are only gaining. Having said all of that, if you are planning any behaviour change for October go for it!

Let me help you along with my gift to you, a free download that you can fill in and get you started for big change – click here to access

Wherever you are on your sober journey The Sober Club inspires you to live your best life without the booze. It has a full member portal accessible at any time, an incredible group of members, and an inspiring private Facebook group where we engage regularly.

We have regular Zoom coaching and social sessions that cover meditation and mindfulness, exercise, sleep, relaxation, treatments, relationships, sex and how to get social. I often invite experts to share their wisdom and offer exclusive Q&A sessions which are gold! Over the last couple of years, we have had exclusive sessions from a leading nutritionist, gut health expert, a food addiction coach, a forgiveness expert, a numerology expert, a psychologist sharing tips on happiness and so much more…..AND when you join you will get fabulous gifts worth over £50!


For some of my best wisdom grab my book Happy Healthy Sober which I hope will inspire others to look at their relationship with alcohol and ditch the booze to live their best life. This book shares my story, gives a 30-day challenge which can work great for Sober October (you don’t have to be at rock bottom to benefit from ditching the booze) and has a huge section on wellbeing, with some amazing expert contributors on topics such as nutrition, therapies, creativity, anxiety, the menopause, meditation, fitness, et al. The foreword is by the wonderful Denise Welch who was one of my podcast guests and has been so open about how she got sober and the impact it had on her clinical depression.


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