Have you ditched the booze? Thought about inspiring others?

Train to be a Holistic Sobriety Coach.

Our next training is October 24, and that course is almost full for those attending in person.  The next training will be end Jan 25 but the training can be done 1- 1 virtually.  

Do you want to be able to inspire, coach and support others to optimum well-being underpinned by sobriety?

Join us for a complimentary online session What does it mean to be a Holistic Sober Coach?

Wed June 19th 7.45pm UK time

Register HERE

Join us for a complimentary webinar / zoom session on what it means to be a sober / selfcare coach for ‘grey area’ drinkers, a term coined by Jolene Park, which highlights that we do not have to be at rock bottom before we quit alcohol. Join us for some insights, tips for working with those who want to stop drinking and who want to live their best life without the booze.  This will not be ‘salesy’, we only want exactly the right people with the right energy to do this training! If that could possibly be you, and you’re curious as to how you might add Sober coaching to your existing toolkit, or start something completely new, then come and find out!. You don’t need to be a coach or therapist to do this training.  Its all covered, and there is usually a huge amount of personal transformation.

Our next Accredited Sober Coach Training Programme starts with a 2 day non residential  ‘retreat’ in Herts Oct 12-13 followed by several weeks online and ongoing mentoring and support. (This is almost full, the next one is end Jan 25, but there is also the opportunity to complete the training 1-1 virtually.  This training is very comprehensive and incorporates core modules, plus amazing guest expert teachers including The Medicinal Chef Dale Pinnock on nutrition, (along with other leading nutritionists, naturopaths and gut health experts) William Porter on cravings and cross addictions, Jo Creed leading a session on using NLP, and many more experts across our ‘biz sessions’ where we support you to choose your ideal niche, and share how to set up and promote your business.  You can be up and running with your Sober Coaching biz within 7 weeks, but equally there is no set time frame, and the materials are there, and we stay connected with ongoing mentoring and support.

Please note this training can be done online if you are not in the UK.

The Sober Coach training is by invitation only, if you are interested, get in contact to arrange a phone conversation with Janey to see if its right for you.  The training groups are small, as it includes 1-1 coaching and mentoring.


“I loved this training! Using the skills of sober coaching, in a nurturing and creative environment, is my ultimate goal.  I feel much more confident following this training Janey and have loved working with you.  I still struggle with Imposter Syndrome, but at the same time, I honestly feel it is my calling. Absolutely clear on my ideal client now – Thank you!  After 5 years of life changing. joyous sobriety, I now work with women to help them change their relationship with alcohol, manage the ups and downs of life without drinking and start living a life of freedom, excitement and contentment.”  Claire Godwin

I completed my Sober Coach Training with Janey in January 2023. The 2 day course was just what I needed to get me in the right mindset to launch my Sober Coaching business. I was privileged to share the weekend with some inspirational people who were also training. Janey and her team made the whole weekend enjoyable and immensely instructive. Along with the sessions we had ample time to discuss and debate the points raised and we certainly all talked a lot! It was great to work with Janey face to face as she totally engaged us all and shared her wealth of experience. There was not one question asked of her that she could not answer, and more importantly could illustrate with her own experiences. For me, this was the greatest value as it made the sessions come to life rather than just exercises and theories without any relevant examples.  I am now looking forward with renewed enthusiasm to the start of the next exciting chapter in my career. Thank you Janey  Tony Worsdall

What does it mean to be a Holistic Sober Coach?  (spoiler alert: Its not recovery counselling or linked in any way to 12 step programmes, its a totally ‘sober 360’ holistic approach.)

Wed 19 June 19.45 Register HERE

Email janey at janeyleegrace.com

Want to know more about becoming a sober coach? 

As the world becomes more health-conscious, many people are exploring a sober or sober-curious lifestyle. This shift has led to an increased demand for sober coaches. But what does it mean to be a sober coach? How can you support those who are sober curious or in the early stages of ditching alcohol without judgment or shame?

A sober coach provides practical tools and support for individuals exploring a life without alcohol. This role is not the same as addiction counseling; sober coaches work with people who are functioning well, but realize that alcohol no longer serves them. The focus is on well-being and personal growth, underpinned by sobriety.

Becoming an Accredited  Sober Club Coach with Janey Lee Grace 
Sober coaching is about partnering with clients to help them find their answers, focusing on their potential and well-being. It’s not about ‘fixing them’ but inspiring them to live a life they don’t need to escape from. Janey’s approach emphasizes a holistic approach to sobriety, incorporating wellness and personal growth.

Training and Certification
This programme is designed to transform you from an enthusiast to an expert in 6-8 weeks. The training offers coaching tools, resources, and proven techniques to guide clients on their journey of transformation. Janey is an accredited training provider with IPHM and IGHT so when you complete the training, you can apply to be a therapist / coach member with their certification.

Course Structure:

There is an Initial Intensive Training: The first two days are held in person with a small group in a welcoming, non-corporate environment. You’ll receive comprehensive training, practical exercises, and delicious meals. There is often personal transformation.  This can be done online with 1-1 video Q and A with Janey

Continued Learning: After the initial two days, the course continues with online Zoom meetings and regular training sessions over 4-5 weeks. If you cannot attend in person, recordings and live Zoom sessions are available.

Ongoing Support: As a member of the Sober Club Accredited Coaches family, you will have continuous access to support and a community of like-minded individuals.

Personal Transformation
The training is not just about helping others but also about your personal growth. Many coaches have experienced their transformation, making them authentic and credible in their coaching practice. We focus  on fine-tuning your authentic self, ensuring you feel confident and empowered to help others.

Building Expertise
Whether you’re already a coach, therapist, or new to the field, adding sober coaching to your portfolio can be beneficial. The rise of the sober curious movement means clients expect their practitioners to have answers. Janey Lee Grace’s programme equips you with the skills and knowledge to meet this demand.

The Journey of a Sober Coach
Personal Story: Your experience with sobriety is crucial. Sharing your story can inspire and relate to your clients. “Let your mess be your message” is a powerful approach in this field.

Ethical Practices and Boundaries: It’s essential to stay within your lane, work with non-clinically dependent clients, and maintain ethical practices. Janey Lee Grace’s training emphasizes the importance of boundaries and ethical practices.

Client-Centered Approach: Focus on creating a rapport, setting clear intentions, and providing a framework for clients to achieve their goals. Help them explore their emotional past in a non-invasive way and use tools like NLP and EFT tapping to support their journey.

Practical Steps to Becoming a Sober Coach
Identify Your Ideal Client: Determine who you want to work with—grey area drinkers, the sober curious, or those already sober looking to elevate their life.

Training and Community: Enroll in Janey Lee Grace’s training programme, which offers continuous support and a community of like-minded individuals. The programme provides in-person and online modules, ensuring you have the knowledge and support needed.

Develop Coaching Skills: Learn how to create action plans, set boundaries, and inspire clients. Gain insights into nutrition, mindset, stress response, and the power of connection.

Learn from Experts: This training includes guest expert teachers who share exclusively with participants their insights into their specialism,  William Porter shares sessions on working with cravings, and Fading Affect Bias, Jo Creed is a master NLP trainer and shares coaching techniques.  Dale Pinnock shares nutrition for recovery, Dr Bunmi Aboaba teaches us about food addiction, and many more.

Build Your Practice: Use your training to start or expand your coaching practice. Share your story on social media, network with other professionals, and continuously improve your skills and knowledge.

Become Visible: Many therapists and coaches complete their training, but never practice their chosen modality, often this is because they haven’t cracked the ‘visibility’ piece, how to attract clients and show up for marketing.

Overcoming Common Barriers
Imposter Syndrome: Many new coaches struggle with self-doubt and fear of failure. It’s important to surround yourself with supportive people and believe in your abilities. Janey Lee Grace’s programme addresses these common barriers, helping you overcome them.

Practical Considerations: Ensure you have the time, resources, and support to pursue this career. Overcoming obstacles like imposter syndrome and self-doubt is crucial.

Becoming a sober coach is a rewarding journey that allows you to help others while growing personally and professionally. With the right training, support, and a clear understanding of your role, you can make a significant impact on those exploring a life of sobriety. If you’re passionate about sobriety and want to support others on their journey, consider starting your path with Janey Lee Grace Sober Club Accredited Coach Training. Whether you aim to add this skill to your existing practice or start a new career, the opportunities for making a difference are immense.  Empower yourself and others to live a fulfilling, sober life.

Ready to take the next step?  Contact Janey for a chat to see if its right for you.


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